Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Past Illustration :: SOCIALIST GIRL

Here is an illustration I did last year on my personal time. I was experimenting with layering watercolors, pencil and a white prismacolor. Inspiration for the drawing was taken from a photo of a Mongolian woman in one of my National Geographic magazines. I obviously changed the context to something more communist with the addition of the rifle and grimace.

I have been wanting to get away from doing representational art and into a realm that uses graphic design elements in the composition. I don't think I nailed it on this piece, there are several ways to improve it. However, I was please with what I learned about the combination of media while working on this illustration.

On the bottom half of the piece I applied heavy amounts of a burnt umber based color and then scraped it away with a paper towel to give texture. Additionally, I sprinkled water droplets and then dabbed away the water with a paper towel to give it that splotched look.

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